'.$instancename.' - Administration'; ?>


Welcome back,
Some Systems may not work correctly!
'; } else if(sMaintenance()) { echo '
Systems currently under maintenance!
'; } else { echo '
All Systems operational!
'; } ?>


Account name:
User already exists!

'; } ?>
The passwords do not match

'; } if(isset($_GET["pwupdated"])) { echo '

Passwort updated successfully!

'; } if(isset($_GET["pwrong"])) { echo '

Old password is not correct!

'; } ?>


Create Account
'; if(isset($_GET["userdeleted"])) { echo '

User deleted successfully!

'; } if(isset($_GET["userexist"])) { echo '

User already exists!

'; } if(isset($_GET["usercreated"])) { echo '

User created successfully!

'; } } if($role == "administrator") { while($userlist = mysqli_fetch_array($users)){ if($userlist['username'] != $_SESSION['name']) { echo '
'; } } } if($role == "administrator") { echo '
'; } ?>


'; if(isset($_GET["unupdated"])) { echo '

Username updated sucessfully

'; } echo '
'; if(isset($_GET["pwnotmatch"])) { echo '

The passwords do not match

'; } if(isset($_GET["pwupdated"])) { echo '

Passwort updated successfully!

'; } echo '
'; if(isset($_GET["roleupdated"])) { echo '

Role updated successfully!

'; } echo '
'; } ?>


Edit service settings
'; if(isset($_GET["statusupdated"])) { echo '

Status updated successfully!

'; } if(isset($_GET["priorityupdated"])) { echo '

Priority updated successfully!

'; } if(isset($_GET["nameupdated"])) { echo '

Name updated successfully!

'; } echo '
Recent Incidents
'; mysqli_data_seek($incidents, 0); $count = 3; if(isset($_GET['lmore'])) { $add = (int) $_GET['lmore']; $count += $add; } while($incidentlist = mysqli_fetch_array($incidents)){ if($count != 0) { if(strpos($incidentlist['services'], $id) !== false) { if(strpos($incidentlist['childof'], "-1") !== false) { $count--; echo '
'; if($incidentlist['status'] == "new") { echo '
'; } else if($incidentlist['status'] == "working") { echo '
'; } else if($incidentlist['status'] == "update") { echo '
'; } else if($incidentlist['status'] == "finished") { echo '
'; } echo ''.$incidentlist['text'].'
'; mysqli_data_seek($incidents2, 0); while($incidentlist2 = mysqli_fetch_array($incidents2)){ if(strpos($incidentlist['id'], $incidentlist2['childof']) !== false) { echo '
'; if($incidentlist2['status'] == "new") { echo '
'; } else if($incidentlist2['status'] == "working") { echo '
'; } else if($incidentlist2['status'] == "update") { echo '
'; } else if($incidentlist2['status'] == "finished") { echo '
'; } echo ''.$incidentlist2['text'].'
'; } } } } } else { break; } } if($count == 0) { if(isset($_GET['lmore'])) { $more = (int) $_GET['lmore']; $more += 3; } else { $more = 3; } echo '
'; } ?>

Edit Group
Name updated successfully!

'; } if(isset($_GET["priorityupdated"])) { echo '

Priority updated successfully!

'; } ?> ' ?> ' ?>


Create Incident
'; if(isset($_GET["incidentcreated"])) { echo '

Incident created successfully!

'; } echo '
Add Message
'; if(isset($_GET["messagecreated"])) { echo '

Message created successfully!

'; } echo '
Danger Zone
'; if(isset($_GET["incidentsflushed"])) { echo '

All Incidents flushed!!

'; } echo '
'; ?>


Instance name
'; if(isset($_GET["nameupdated"])) { echo '

Instance name successfully updated!

'; } echo '
Autoreload Status
'; if(isset($_GET["reloadupdated"])) { if($_GET['reloadupdated'] == "enabled") { echo '

Autoreload value set to: '.$_GET['reloadupdated'].'!

'; } else { echo '

Autoreload value set to: '.$_GET['reloadupdated'].'!

'; } } echo '
'; } ?>


Create group/service
Group successfully added!

'; } if(isset($_GET["serviceadded"])) { echo '

Service successfully added!

'; } ?>
Service successfully deleted!

'; } if(isset($_GET["groupdeleted"])) { echo '

Group successfully deleted!

'; } ?> '.$grouplist['name'].'
'; mysqli_data_seek($services, 0); while($servicelist = mysqli_fetch_array($services)){ if($grouplist['id'] == $servicelist['groupid']) { echo '
'; if($role != "administrator") { echo'
'; } else { echo ''; } } } echo'
'; } ?>